martes, 22 de agosto de 2017


Louis-cyprien RIALS : Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin (EXCERPT) from ripbm on Vimeo.

"Cliquen" sobre la franja azul para poder ver un fragmento de este vídeo legalmente.

El vídeo completo, de 6 minutos de duración, se puede contemplar legalmente a través del enlace siguiente:

Agradecimientos a Martina Noora Millè por esta comunicación.

Este vídeo e proyectará en una de las charlas que acompañarán la exposición Sumer y el paradigma moderno en la fundación Joan Miró de Barcelona a partir del 27 de octubre próximo.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello, thank you very much for posting my work. Is it possible to have more information about the exhibition " Sumer y el paradigma moderno " since i didn't know my work would be shown there... thank you very much. Louis-Cyprien Rials ( louiscyprien/gmail )

    1. Sir

      Thank you so much for your message. I have liked so much the video that Ms Millà showed me recently.
      I would have loved to include it in the exhibition: unfortunately it was too late. So I was suggested to screen it in a lecture I have been asked to give in December.
      The exhibition Sumer and the Modern Paradigm is dedicated to the influence of Sumerian art -or more precicely of photographs of Sumerian art, that was being discovered in the thirties by international archaeological missions in colonial dominions such as Iraq, published in modern art magazines-, considered a new primitivism, had on some surrealist artists such as Giacometti, early Moore, Miró or Michaux.
      The exhibition ends with a coda with a contemporary work of art related the Iraq and its past.
      Your video would have constituted an evocative end, especially for some of the persons who are working in the exhibition as we are working too in an archaeological mission near Mosul for the last six years.
      Thank you again
      Best regards
