sábado, 4 de agosto de 2018


"My (...) show (...) was about reflecting the world and reflecting the internet, and it was also about the ways that people want to culturally possess their biological bodies. All the people in there, including Zombie Boy, in a way have decided that their body needs to be assimilated from the biological world to the cultural world, they’re like artists, they’re like outsider artists, using their body as a medium. More or less consciously in different cases. I think it’s a very stimulating thing and I think people have always had these wishes, but now because of medicine and surgery they can actually act them out. It’s almost like Ovid, where people become their own mythological creatures which is another thing I’m interested in - looking at things that have existed in the past within a ritual context. Nowadays the same impulses exist but there’s no ritual context, so everyone invents their own story. Again, like these tribes, everyone is inventing their own way of doing this and not being told how to do it by a religion or a culture."

(Marc Quinn)

El joven modelo de la estatua Ciudad, con el cuerpo enteramente tatuado, se suicidó anteayer. 
Le teoría va por un camino, la realidad...

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